Legal Terms

The site is published by:

  • Name: RISK & OPS
  • SIRET: 82088567100033
  • Headquarters: 8 rue Charles de Rémusat, CS 87133, 31000 TOULOUSE
  • Telephone: +33 (0) 5 32 78 28 00
  • Director of publication: M. Laurent LEBOIS

Development & Hosting :
AxessWeb, sole proprietorship



In application of the French Code, the Risk & Ops logo is protected by the laws of the Intellectual Property Code.
All reproductions of the site, even partial, are prohibited without the express consent of the publisher of this site.

Protection of personal data

The data that you entrust to us are exclusively intended for the processing of your orders. By virtue of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have the right to access, consult, modify, rectify and delete information that you communicated to us. Ask for our Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy at this address


We make a commitment to respect the confidentiality of the information collected during your orders. We prohibit any resale of files, whether they are postal addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, faxes or any other information. Your contact details will only be used to fulfill your orders. They can also be used to inform you of promotional operations or new products (unless you advise otherwise).